I mean what is this link between the accounts anyways? Some database column containing a value which is the ID of the account? Do Microsoft seriously believe that its that hard and impossible to change such a thing?Īgain, this is just poor software design and bad attitude. My point is that this was possible before (around 2015ish) and it has been made impossible.
Microsoft account has a lot of information in it like OneDrive files and so on). I think you can all understand the reason (Skype account since 2007, lots of contacts, etc. The reason I'm so annoyed by all of this is that I don't want to close either my Microsoft or my Skype accounts. I know this question has been raised before and the answer is that it's impossible to unlink a certain Skype account from a Microsoft account, but to me that just sounds like laziness and 'I can't be bothered' type of attitude.
My old Skype account does not have a Microsoft account associated with it (at least not an explicitly created one).
The reason being that my mother's Skype account got linked to MY microsoft account by mistake and it's really inconvenient. I'm raising this question for I don't know which time again.