Like I said earlier, the only way to reach this cell is to use console commands.
How to Get Into The Dead Body Cleanup Cell Still.if you want to check it out, here's how you can do it. You can resurrect some of these NPCs if you have the means, but mostly it's just a gruesome holding cell. Pretty much any character - especially NPCs you can interact with - who gets killed in some fashion will end up in this room, their bodies piled up in the center. Should you step through one of these gaping thresholds, you'll simply get ported back to the center of the death room.
With a surreal purple and green color palate, this eerily cross-shaped cell has four doorways at the end of each corridor, but no actual doors. This is a hidden room in Skyrim that can only be accessed via console commands.
Instead of simply disappearing forever, these lifeless bodies get sent to a rather grisly room called the 'Dead Body Cleanup Cell'. But it turns out, that's not at all what happens - at least, not for most characters who die at some point in the game.